RGB brightness cataloque

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Joined: 20 Feb 2023, 19:34

RGB brightness cataloque

Post by ahae » 20 Feb 2023, 19:46

I do not find an information if and how other star atlas could be implemented.
I would be much interested in the RGB star brightness for cameras as derived by the Madrid people: https://guaix.ucm.es/rgbphot/
Is there a simple possibility to use it in AA8?

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Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 21:43

Re: RGB brightness cataloque

Post by fabdev » 21 Feb 2023, 01:06

Hello, do you refer to the smaller catalog of 1346 stars or the bigger one with 15 millions stars ?
At the moment other catalogs cannot be added to the Star Atlas, but these two catalogs could be accessed by an image processing plugin, for example to create a synthetic image, a reference to calibrate an image. The Star Atlas would not be necessary.

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