Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1)

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Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1)

Post by Dunmunro » 27 Feb 2024, 23:09

Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1) is a 14th magnitude planetary nebula in Lynx. This image is the result of a Sigma-Sum stack of 36 x 900sec subframes (9 hours integration time), taken by an Orion Starshoot Pro V2 APSC CCD camera through a Meade 10in F6.3 SCT @ F5 via a Starizona .75X SCT reducer on a CEM-60 mount. Guided through an OAG. All phases of image acquisition, including mount control, platesolve assisted goto and autoguiding, were done using Astroart 8. This image was processed with AA8 SP5. Image processing log:

15:09:03 Multiscale Denoise 9.74 6.35 4.71 80
15:01:30 Flip vertical
15:01:17 Rotate -90
15:00:16 Remove gradient adaptive sub. 30
14:59:30 DDP 95 30 0 20 50 2.36 30
14:57:24 Deconvolution Richardson Lucy 15 60 50 1

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