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script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:43
by Forum_2018
I have tried to make a script to get the camera to pause a bit while phd resets; the following works to allow a 10 second pause but will not save images to my directory; I am not a programmer by any means; dir$="c:\Temp\"
for i=1 to 5
camera.wait"c:\autosave\AA6\m25c\" )

I am pretending that my target here is m20 and I want the images deposited to that file. they end up in a large stack on the AA6 open window where I can manually save them.
what do I need to change; Thanks!!

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:43
by Forum_2018
Give this a try, I don't code either!

for i = 1 to 5
dir = "c:\Temp\"
image = "M20"
fileName = image + " " + Format (i,"000")+ ".fit"
Image.Save (dir + fileName)
next i


Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:44
by Forum_2018
Iver; thanks I'll give it a try to night or tomorrow and report back by
A question of ignorance: what do the quotation marks do? what is supposed to appear between the two quotes : filename=image+" "?

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:44
by Forum_2018
I do that just for the output format, it places a space between the image name and sequence #. Without them the image would be titled instead of M20

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:44
by Forum_2018
I tried you little script. It fails on line 4. I have no idea why. It's a formatting issue I think. I tried fiddling with this, but have not worked out something that will work. Now I will be going to the library hoping to find some old books of basic.
Two nights ago while imaging I noted a greater delay between the completion of an image and the activation of phd2's dither than I noticed before. I saw not change in tracking behavior so maybe I am good with out the script. None the less, would like to have a script handy. Any suggestions. thanks cjacobson

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:44
by Forum_2018
Did you copy and past it from the forum into the script window? If not you may have typed it in with an error! I ran it with the camera simulator in AA7 and AA6 and it works fine. What ver. are you using?

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:45
by Forum_2018
Sorry but do you really need a script to so simple imaging task ? And so that dithering works with a pause ?
You could do just with normal AA imaging procedure and let it take care of dithering.
Besides now that AA7 has some sequencing properties.
But if it's just scripting exercise I understand.

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:46
by Forum_2018
I copied it from the forum and then typed into my text editor and doubly reviewed it which I will do again as you say it runs. As of earlier this week while imaging I noted a rather reasonable pause using AA6 and Phd2 even without this script in a non hyperstar setup. I first became concerned when I was using a canon dslr with my hyperstar. there the exposures are 35 sec in light polluted skies. I saw a lot of star trailing artifacts at the start of each exposure. that is what triggered my exploration for a script to produce pauses similar to those one can produce using BYEOS. I was using AA6, not BYEOS for some reason. Cjacobson

Re: script and phd pausing

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:47
by Forum_2018
I am red with embarrassment: this time I copied your little script from the webpage to a text file. It worked perfectly. So a big thanks. !! I'll check out aa7 as well. cjacobson