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I need to convert JD to BJD, maybe a script.

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:33
by Forum_2018
I have a load of images where I need to write a keyword BJD for very short period variation calculation.
will need RA DEC Lat Long and JD as inputs I think.

Re: I need to convert JD to BJD, maybe a script.

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:34
by Forum_2018
I think that the most difficult part is to find a clear algorithm, in any language. Converting it to BASIC shouldn't be too hard.

Re: I need to convert JD to BJD, maybe a script.

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:34
by Forum_2018
I agree, just looking at a paper written by Ohio State University.


Re: I need to convert JD to BJD, maybe a script.

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:34
by Forum_2018
I now have a fully tested Python program to do this for lists of JD, mag captured from AA6.

If anyone needs it just email.
