The new Astroart 9 demo:
one new feature:
"Automatic mosaic from plate solved images."
And it will correct for optical distortion.
load two or more overlapping images that have been plate solved, or load them and plate solve them:
Dropdown menu->Tools->plate solve
then with both images open: drop down menu->Image->mosaic and select one of the images from the menu presented; click on OK and it will create the mosaic:
M81 with a 10in F7 SCT and M82 with a 10in F5 SCT (both with Orion SSPro APSC cameras) mosaic image from two images taken years apart. Processing via Astroart 9 Demo.
Auto Mosaic in AA9
Re: Auto Mosaic in AA9
Here's a mosaic of M81 and M82 from last night, both are one hour (12x300sec) images from a 10in F5 SCT and an ASI071MC Pro camera. I've been experimenting with camera back focus distance and orientation, so I haven't run flats yet; I used adaptive gradient removal on each image prior to making the mosaic.