Question: teleskope control settings ST4/Guide

Cameras, telescopes, focusers and other hardware
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Joined: 22 Jan 2019, 20:09

Question: teleskope control settings ST4/Guide

Post by Brocke » 08 Mar 2024, 21:30


I updated my obervatory and finally manage to connect everything I want with astroart, for now camera, focuser and telescope.

Beeing happy that everything works I ran into this issue:

My telescope control is an teenastro. I have TDM Drive master installed on my Fornax mount. The TDM Drive master gives correction signals for RA to the Teenastro (TDM Drivemaster is actual a gadget that reads the periodic error from RA and compares it with an reference from an encoder to correct them) through the ST4 port on the Teenastro. So it acts like a a guide cam without beeing one.

This works fine in standalone.

But when I connect the "Telescope" in astroart the control of the teenastro seem to be overridden in some way causing the TDM Drivemaster to lost synchronisation and producing errors.

My question is how to setup astroart camera control - telescope setup - Guide correctly to work with the TDM (I assume the problem lies here)? Actual this is set by default.
Thank you

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Re: Question: teleskope control settings ST4/Guide

Post by fabdev » 08 Mar 2024, 21:52

if the autoguide window is not opened, then no autoguide pulses are sent, so it doesn't matter which "guide protocol" is selected.

If the problem really happens when the telescope is connected (just for GOTOs), then try with a planetarium software. If it happens again, it's possible that the connection with the PC is interfering with the Drivermaster.

Posts: 6
Joined: 22 Jan 2019, 20:09

Re: Question: teleskope control settings ST4/Guide

Post by Brocke » 20 Mar 2024, 21:02

Hi Fabio,

thanks for the feedback.

I hope I can figure that out so that I can use plate solving soon. Will try it with stellarium asap.

I let you know.

kind regards, Dirk

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