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Setteling time when using Center

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 18:23
by Rudi
Is it possible to add a mount settling time to be used for the "Center" function?

I am trying to use it from the GUI, but mostly it fails, since it re-slews and immediately takes the next exposure, resulting in elongated stars, due to some backlash on my axes, which again makes the platesolve fail.

My mould would be happy with 1-2 seconds setling time, but I would prefer it to be configurable

Re: Setteling time when using Center

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 02:23
by Iver
Hi Rudi, the center script has been working well for me so far. Here is the script I used for years to center. You can adjust the pause to meet your needs.

raOri = Telescope.RA
deOri = Telescope.DEC
ra,de = Image.EstimateRADEC
ok = Image.FindCoordinates(ra,de,5)
if not ok then Warning("Solve failed") : end
Telescope.SyncTo(Image.RA, Image.DEC)
pause (4)
pause (5)

Re: Setteling time when using Center

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 13:57
by Rudi
Thanks Iver. That will do for me.
I am also asking on behalf of a “senior” friend of mine. Don’t know how comfortable he is with scripts ;-)

Re: Setteling time when using Center

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 16:41
by fabdev
Hi, the second exposure (option "Verify with extra exposure") is just a visual confirmation for the user, it's not plate-solved anyway. So, trailed stars will be ugly to see, but harmless.
However, if you click "Start" again, that image will be reused for plate-solving, and it will fail as you wrote.

Having said that, it seems that some ASCOM telescopes reports "false" from the ASCOM function "Telescope.Slewing()", even if actually they are still moving a bit, so a possible fix would be a global option for an extra pause everytime the telescope is arrived, not only for the autocenter window. This could be added easily.

Re: Setteling time when using Center

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 20:00
by Rudi
That would be a great help