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Sequencer AA7

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:26
by Forum_2018
Hi Fabio,

Well received AA7, looking at the new sequencer function is it possible to include filter wheel control? (I do realise I can use scrips for a totally automated session)


Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:26
by Forum_2018
Hi Graham,
I don't understand well the question, filter wheel control is included in the new sequencer.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 26 Dec 2018, 20:27
by Forum_2018
Hi Fabio,
Sorry for the dumb question, I missed seeing the available filter selection, just saw light and dark frames in the list. My error entirely.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 23:21
by Dunmunro
Hi. I'm just getting used to AA7 and I'm favourably impressed.

I do have some suggestions for some changes in the Sequencer:

1) By default the guide camera autoguiding should work using the options in the Sequence Tab "dithered guide menu" and the current autoguide star selection but when I build a script from the Sequencer autoguiding is ignored.

2) camera autofocusing should be an option when focus is shown in the sequencer so instead of a numerical focuser position an "A" would specify autofocus between each image.

So I start AA7 , start Camera Control, connect to all my hardware, slew to my target object, take a short image from the camera and do an autofocus using the parameters that I select. Then I close the camera focus window, take an image from the guider and start guiding, then I select my dither options in the Sequence tab's "dithered guide menu" including spiral dither if I want, and/or signal to PHD2 (which I don't want to do, but some will)

This would mean that when I build a script from Sequencer AA7 will continue to autoguide and do an autofocus between each image according to the parameters currently set in the camera autofocus window and AA7 will perform a dither between images based upon the options selected in the Sequence tab "dithered guide menu" .

I know I can write a script to do this (but not spiral dither) but it would be nice if Sequencer would do it automatically because it would reduce the complexity for new users.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 17:39
by fabdev

1) I don't undestand well the question: do you need to start autoguiding inside the script (with commands like "Guider.StartAutoguide") or manually? Do you mean the the options are not remembered at startup or even between sequences?

2) Yes of course. The current Autofocus window was not linked to the sequencer because it's not optimal for sequences, and a new one is under development. If possible it will be released soon into a Service Pack. The problem is that during sequences there are cases when there is not a "bright" star, optimal for autofocus. Instead it's better to download a bigger subframe (even a full one) and calculate focus on multiple stars at a time. This will be the main feature of the new autofocus window. The only downside could be the download time for bigger subframes which could cost 10-60 seconds more for a full procedure, depending on the camera and the binning mode.
Feature requests for this are welcome since mid february.
Rotator control which was requested here is now ready. It will go into Service Pack 1, before summer. To try the prerelease please write by email or PM.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 19:18
by Dunmunro
fabdev wrote:
31 Jan 2019, 17:39

1) I don't undestand well the question: do you need to start autoguiding inside the script (with commands like "Guider.StartAutoguide") or manually? Do you mean the the options are not remembered at startup or even between sequences?

2) Yes of course. The current Autofocus window was not linked to the sequencer because it's not optimal for sequences, and a new one is under development. If possible it will be released soon into a Service Pack. The problem is that during sequences there are cases when there is not a "bright" star, optimal for autofocus. Instead it's better to download a bigger subframe (even a full one) and calculate focus on multiple stars at a time. This will be the main feature of the new autofocus window. The only downside could be the download time for bigger subframes which could cost 10-60 seconds more for a full procedure, depending on the camera and the binning mode.
Feature requests for this are welcome since mid february.
Rotator control which was requested here is now ready. It will go into Service Pack 1, before summer. To try the prerelease please write by email or PM.
I test my image fields for a suitable star for autofocus and autoguide while at the telescope. I then want to run a several hour long sequence of images of the same field.

Using the simulator, if I run a simple SEQUENCE it will autoguide and dither according to the options on the SEQUENCE tab, but not autofocus.

If I build a simple script using SEQUENCER it will autoguide but not dither nor autofocus.

If I add Guider.MoveReference() and Camera.Autofocus() to the script it will autofocus and dither but will ignore the dither options (and not signal PHD2) set in the SEQUENCE tab and I cannot use spiral dither.

I have a steep temperature drop at my observatory and I must autofocus between images and I'd like to use a spiral dither. My problem would be solved if the Guider.MoveReference() command would use the options set in the SEQUENCE tab.


Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 21:30
by fabdev
If I add Guider.MoveReference() and Camera.Autofocus() to the script it will autofocus and dither but will ignore the dither options (and not signal PHD2) set in the SEQUENCE tab and I cannot use spiral dither.

I have a steep temperature drop at my observatory and I must autofocus between images and I'd like to use a spiral dither. My problem would be solved if the Guider.MoveReference() command would use the options set in the SEQUENCE tab.
I verified, the command Guider.MoveReference() (without parameters!) actually uses the settings in the Sequence Tab, both for spiral and PHD connection. Maybe you didn't click "OK" to close that Panel with the options? This is required to save/update the options.
Try again with the simulators, using a simple script (one row): Guider.MoveReference() , to verify that the dither options are used.
Let me know,

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 08:26
by Dunmunro
Mea Culpa... I think I must have failed to close the dither autoguide panel because it is working now.


Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 16:19
by Dunmunro
fabdev wrote:
31 Jan 2019, 17:39

1) I don't undestand well the question: do you need to start autoguiding inside the script (with commands like "Guider.StartAutoguide") or manually? Do you mean the the options are not remembered at startup or even between sequences?

2) Yes of course. The current Autofocus window was not linked to the sequencer because it's not optimal for sequences, and a new one is under development. If possible it will be released soon into a Service Pack. The problem is that during sequences there are cases when there is not a "bright" star, optimal for autofocus. Instead it's better to download a bigger subframe (even a full one) and calculate focus on multiple stars at a time. This will be the main feature of the new autofocus window. The only downside could be the download time for bigger subframes which could cost 10-60 seconds more for a full procedure, depending on the camera and the binning mode.
Feature requests for this are welcome since mid february.
Rotator control which was requested here is now ready. It will go into Service Pack 1, before summer. To try the prerelease please write by email or PM.
last night I ran into the autofocuser picking a too faint focus star. Is there a way for the script called autofocus to use the previously selected focus star by default?

I'd be happy to test the new autofocus routine.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 07 Feb 2019, 19:43
by fabdev
The current autofocus always selects the brightest star.
Maybe the focus exposure time was too short? On some fields an exposure time of 2 seconds may be necessary to get an acceptable star.
OK, I will write you by PM when ready. (But only increasing the exposure time will solve).

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 08 Feb 2019, 01:54
by Dunmunro
fabdev wrote:
07 Feb 2019, 19:43
The current autofocus always selects the brightest star.
Maybe the focus exposure time was too short? On some fields an exposure time of 2 seconds may be necessary to get an acceptable star.
OK, I will write you by PM when ready. (But only increasing the exposure time will solve).
Thanks. I'll check the exposure time when I get back to the observatory in 3 weeks or so.

Re: Sequencer AA7

Posted: 09 Feb 2019, 19:42
by Iver
Hi Dunmunro,
If you add something like this into your script you can select the guide star you want to use for guiding! Just download the field you want to image and draw a box around the star you want to use. Then start your script!

x = Image.GetPointX
y = Image.GetPointY