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Problem With MX716

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 15:06
by Forum_2014
Can anyone help? I can't get my SX USB1.1 interface to work so I thought I'd try going backwards and see if I can get the ccd working via the parallel cables. First problem, I have no parallel port in my laptop so I bought a female 25 pin to USB, AA4 now accepts the camera BUT all I am getting are white screens, even when the exposure is down to 0.02/sec. Any ideas anyone? Fabio?



P.S. It was fine earlier, now I get 'can't install driver' on the set up page. The address (which appears changable) ends in 278

Re: Problem With MX716

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 15:07
by Forum_2014
I Andy,

unfortunatly it's not possible to make work a ccd camera with a common usb->parallel converter, since timing must be very accurate.

The only solution is to download the correct usb driver in this page

Sometimes they don't work the very first time but reinstalling them and/or disconnecting the camera solves the issue. There is new text file with precise instructions inside the zip file from Starlight-Xpress ("installing the drivers.txt"). After this try to connect the camera with the Starlight program: if it works, it will work with Astroart too.