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Error message "Not Found - GSC..."

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 20:11
by JackG
When I open the star atlas the message:

"Not found - GSC c:\program files (x86)\astroart\catalog"


That directory does exist and contains two files:

However, a star atlas does appear, though not with a ton of stars.

Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Error message "Not Found - GSC..."

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 23:06
by Dunmunro
Which version of Astroart?

Re: Error message "Not Found - GSC..."

Posted: 01 Mar 2022, 07:55
by AstroBernd
The directory for the star catalogs are not in the program folder, but in the <username> documents folder, depending on your installation choices. In AA8, you can even use a compressed GAIA DR2 catalog. Check also your settings in the tab “star atlas”.
Hope this helps.