Search found 15 matches
- 06 May 2022, 18:33
- Forum: General
- Topic: Plate Solving - No Luck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3955
Re: Plate Solving - No Luck
Thanks, everyone. I'm getting better solutions on photos from days ago using your suggestions, especially narrowing the +/- tolerance. Rain and clouds for the next few days but I'm looking forward to trying it with the telescope again. Overall: AA8 is marvelous and I've really enjoyed processing ima...
- 06 May 2022, 16:55
- Forum: General
- Topic: Plate Solving - No Luck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3955
Re: Plate Solving - No Luck
Yes, I did save - you can see that button is greyed out in the picture above.
Yes, I did save - you can see that button is greyed out in the picture above.
- 06 May 2022, 13:44
- Forum: General
- Topic: Plate Solving - No Luck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3955
Re: Plate Solving - No Luck
Thanks, Dunmuro. I have had little luck with AA8 controlling the mount or plate solving off-line with no telescope hooked up. Things are just... weird. For instance, it did successfully plate solve for an image of M51 if I told it to look for M51. On the same image if I give the center search region...
- 06 May 2022, 02:48
- Forum: General
- Topic: Plate Solving - No Luck
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3955
Plate Solving - No Luck
Re: AA8 SP1: In another post I asked about installing a catalog for plate solving. Bill kindly explained how to install GaiaComp, which I did. I not longer get an error message when loading the star atlas. But plate solving nearly never works. I've been banging my head against this for months. I too...
- 05 May 2022, 20:20
- Forum: General
- Topic: Plate solving - confused about catalogs
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4153
Plate solving - confused about catalogs
Folks, I not having much luck with plate solving. Googling it appears I need to download the UCAC4 catalog. The URL in AA8's manual ( gives a baffling list of directories and filenames. What do I download? They are all tarballs and gz's. Another link f...
- 04 May 2022, 14:34
- Forum: Image processing and analysis
- Topic: Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1809
Re: Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
Thanks, Fabio. I'll give that a shot.
- 03 May 2022, 17:14
- Forum: Image processing and analysis
- Topic: Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1809
Re: Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
Thanks, Bill. To do that supposes one knows what background one wants to reject. One cool feature of AA8 is the graph of sky background produced by tools:preprocessing. I use that to get an idea of where to set the limit. But, alas, to get that one is slaved to hitting the "skip" button lots of time...
- 03 May 2022, 12:02
- Forum: Image processing and analysis
- Topic: Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1809
Preprocessing - Error images - auto skip?
Folks, When I'm preprocessing images it's common to have clouds drown out many of them. But when AA8 gives an "error" as it can't align things, I have to manually press "skip." What that means is if I have hundreds of images I have to babysit the computer for a long time to hit "skip" when an image ...
- 26 Apr 2022, 10:28
- Forum: Image processing and analysis
- Topic: Sky Background statistics
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1186
Re: Sky Background statistics
Cancel this question: I see this is a result of adding the darks and flats. Without them the report gives the same background as the raw images.
- 26 Apr 2022, 08:53
- Forum: Image processing and analysis
- Topic: Sky Background statistics
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1186
Sky Background statistics
Using AA8 SP1, 64 bits. Been trying to make sense of the reports from stacking images. After stacking, using "sigma + Sum" as the algorithm to combine images under tools:processing, the report shows the "Background" for each image and the range. However, the "statistics" window for an individual ima...
- 01 Mar 2022, 20:10
- Forum: General
- Topic: Where is the GAIA catalog?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1656
Re: Where is the GAIA catalog?
Thanks, Bernd!
- 01 Mar 2022, 18:30
- Forum: General
- Topic: Where is the GAIA catalog?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1656
Where is the GAIA catalog?
I'm using a purchased version of AA8 and can't seem to find the GAIA catalog. Some forum responses suggest it's at users\<name>\documents but I don't see it there. Any idea where I can get this?
I'm using a purchased version of AA8 and can't seem to find the GAIA catalog. Some forum responses suggest it's at users\<name>\documents but I don't see it there. Any idea where I can get this?